Pearl fishers in azure seas.... Derek Jarman
Pearl fishers in azure seas
deep waters washing the isle of the dead
in coral harbours amphora spill gold across the still seabed
we lie there fanned by the billowing sails of forgotten ships
tossed by the mournful winds of the deep
lost boys sleep forever in a deep embrace
salt lips touching in submarine gardens
cool marble fingers touch an antique smile
shell sounds whisper deep love
drifting on the tide forever
the smell of him dead
good looking in beauty's summer
his blue jeans around his ankles
bliss in my ghostly eye
kiss me on the lips on the eyes
our name will be forgotten in time
no one will remember our work
our life will pass like the traces of a cloud
and be scattered like mist that is chased by the rays of the sun
for our time is the passing of a shadow
and our lives will run like sparks through the stubble.
i place a delphinium, blue, upon your grave.
Derek Harman, BLUE from: Chroma. A book of colour - june '93
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